Having arrived in Lacey, Washington, my family and I unloaded my sister's belongings from the vehicle we had just driven 2300 miles. Then we set out to visit Mount Rainier (I expressed to my folks that I must be some kind of idiot to voluntarily subject myself to another 5 hours in the car, after being subject to its confines for most of the previous 37 hours; no one disagreed).
I had previously visited Mount Rainier in Thanksgiving 2008, but managed to ruin most of my film during the developing process. It was one of those times that I was really unimpressed with my ability to do unfathomably unintelligent things.
Canon Rebel t2i, Tokina 12-24mm f/4 @12mm, ISO 100, 1/200s @ f/5.6 |
Canon Rebel t2i, Tokina 12-24mm f/4 @15mm, ISO 100, 1/125s @ f/8
Canon Rebel t2i, Tokina 12-24mm f/4 @24mm, ISO 100, 1/100s @ f/7.1 |
Canon Rebel t2i, EF 24-85mm f/3.5-4.5 @24mm, ISO 100, 1/100s @ f/9 |
This last photo, the panorama, is a composite of about 20 photographs that were stitched together. It amuses me that, since the file was originally saved in TIFF format, that single file was so large that it would not have fit on the hard drive to the first computer my family purchased in 1995 (which I think it had 4MB of RAM, 400MB of hard drive space and ran Windows 3.1).
Canon Rebel t2i, Tokina 12-24mm f/4 @ 12mm, ISO 200, 1/125s @ f/5 |
Canon Rebel t2i, Tokina 12-24mm f/4 @ 12mm, ISO 200, 1/250s @ f/11 |
Canon Rebel t2i, Tokina 12-24mm f/4 @ 12mm, ISO 200, 1/125s @ f/9 |
Canon Rebel t2i, Tokina 12-24mm f/4 @ 12mm, ISO 200, 1/160s @ f/9 |
Canon Rebel t2i, EF 24-85mm f/3.5-4.5 @ 40mm, ISO 200, 1/320s @ f/10 |
Awesome, Jer.