On one of my more recent endeavors across the State, in an effort to reach some obscure locale, I came across this grain silo (seen previously in color,
here), while on my way to my destination. I didn't really have time to stop then, but on the way back, I was pleased to see the lighting was better, illuminating the silo from a more advantageous angle.
The point of my trip had taken an odd turn upon arriving at my destination, when I had difficulty locating the house I was searching for, and upon finding it, also finding a note that read: "May the curse of the thief always be with you." I could not get out of there quickly enough. On the way out, I saw a mama cow and calf who had gotten out of their pasture and seemed distraught that they could not find the gate to get back in.
So I'd like to thank this silo for being the only positive memory to come out of that endeavor.