
Friday, April 8, 2011

Turkey Creek

Turkey Creek Falls :: Canon EOS 3, EF 24-85mm f/3.5-4.5, Fuji Superia 400
Since first learning of Turkey Creek last fall, I have been several times, with various friends. While I was working with the Black Warrior Riverkeeper in Fall 2010, I learned of a number of protected and endangered species (like the vermilion darter) who live only in these waters; it's kind of interesting to know they don't exist anywhere else in the world. 

Roots :: Canon EOS 3, EF 24-85mm f/3.5-4.5, Fuji Superia 200
 In October, members of the North Jefferson Kayak Club hosted a clean-up effort here at Turkey Creek, where a large red oak had fallen across the creek and was causing erosion of the banks and buildup of debris. Some video and photos from that outing can be found here.

The Turkey Creek Nature Preserve has done a lot of work to promote and preserve Turkey Creek as a local refuge, not only for critters but also for people. There's also some good paddling to be done here, but mostly there's only enough water right after a rain.

Turkey Creek Nature Preserve :: Canon EOS 3, EF 24-85mm f/3.5-4.5, Fuji Superia 400

And here's a little video of Tyler and me testing out a rope swing over the chilly waters today.

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