
Saturday, February 26, 2011

First Paddle of the Year

As the mercury in the thermometer begins to rise and the rains begin to fall, it was time to hit the water again. Whereas last year, we spent most of our time on the Locust Fork, we want to establish ourselves as equal opportunity paddlers we went to the Cahaba.

We paddled the stretch of the Cahaba River from Hwy 280 to Lorna Road, about 11.25 miles. Thanks to some current pushing us, we were able to do this run in four hours, and that with some out-of-boat sidetracking.

We were using this trip as practice for our upcoming paddling and camping trip on the Locust Fork. For more information about paddling opportunities in Alabama visit the North Jefferson Kayak Club website.

All of these photos are still-frames lifted from video shot with my handy-dandy Flip.

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