
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Buck's Pocket and High Falls Parks

Buck's Pocket State Park and High Falls Park have some really lovely wonders to behold. However, some of them can only be observed from their most advantageous perspectives by the most adventuresome of hikers. Here are a couple that I and my compadres were privy to on Saturday, January 29, 2011.

Buck's Pocket State Park

Rock Formation at Buck's Pocket
Tree Growing out of a Rock Outcropping

 Whirlpool just above a Low Bridge (CR-452) on South Sauty Creek

This sign's been here a while; the tree is starting to grow over the sign.

High Falls Park

In order to capture this photo, I was stepping on a tree limb with one foot (in order to keep its wayward branches from entering the frame), firmly-ish planted with the other, while grasping and leaning out from another tree in order to stay on the mountain's side, rather than its base. It was worth the while.

This was taken from the other side of the same archway formation.

High Falls Panorama No.1

High Falls Panorama No.2

Here's a bit of video we took as well:

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